{any | source source-wildcard} {any| s ource-port/port-range} {any |
deny udp
destination destination-wildcard} {any| d estination-port/port-range} [dscp number |
precedence number] [
protocol—The name or the number of an IP protocol. Available protocol
names: icmp, igmp, ip, tcp, egp, igp, udp, hmp, rdp, idpr, ipv6, ipv6:rout,
ipv6:frag, idrp, rsvp, gre, esp, ah, ipv6:icmp, eigrp, ospf, ipinip, pim, l2tp, isis.
To match any protocol, use the Ip keyword. (Range: 0–255)
source—Source IP address of the packet.
source-wildcard—Wildcard bits to be applied to the source IP address. Use
1s in the bit position that you want to be ignored.
destination—Destination IP address of the packet.
destination-wildcard—Wildcard bits to be applied to the destination IP
address. Use 1s in the bit position that you want to be ignored.
—Specifies the DSCP value.
icmp-type—Specifies an ICMP message type for filtering ICMP packets.
Enter a number or one of the following values: echo-reply,
destination-unreachable, source-quench, redirect, alternate-host-address,
echo-request, router-advertisement, router-solicitation, time-exceeded,
parameter-problem, timestamp, timestamp-reply, information-request,
information-reply, address-mask-request, address-mask-reply, traceroute,
datagram-conversion-error, mobile-host-redirect,
mobile-registration-request, mobile-registration-reply,
domain-name-request, domain-name-reply, skip, photuris. (Range: 0–255)
icmp-code—Specifies an ICMP message code for filtering ICMP packets.
(Range: 0–255)
igmp-type—IGMP packets can be filtered by IGMP message type. Enter a
number or one of the following values: host-query, host-report, dvmrp, pim,
cisco-trace, host-report-v2, host-leave-v2, host-report-v3. (Range: 0–255)
destination-port—Specifies the UDP/TCP destination port. You can enter
range of ports by using hyphen. E.g. 20 - 21. For TCP enter a number or one
of the following values: bgp (179), chargen (19), daytime (13), discard (9),
domain (53), drip (3949), echo (7), finger (79), ftp (21), ftp-data (20), gopher
(70), hostname (42), irc (194), klogin (543), kshell (544), lpd (515), nntp (119),
pop2 (109), pop3 (110), smtp (25), sunrpc (1110, syslog (514), tacacs-ds
—Specifies the IP precedence value.
78-21075-01 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
ACL Commands