Tunnel Commands
78-21075-01 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
User Guidelines
IPv6 tunneling consists of encapsulating IPv6 packets within IPv4 packets for
transmission across an IPv4 routing infrastructure.
ISATAP Tunnels
Using this command with the isatap keyword specifies automatic ISATAP tunnel.
ISATAP tunnels enable transport of IPv6 packets within network boundaries.
ISATAP tunnels allow individual IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack hosts within a site to connect
to an IPv6 network using the IPv4 infrastructure.
Unlike IPv4-compatible addresses, ISATAP IPv6 addresses can use any initial
Unicast /64 prefix. The final 64 bits are an interface identifier. Of these, the leading
32 bits are the fixed pattern 0000:5EFE; the last 32 bits carry the tunnel endpoint
IPv4 address.
Example 1 - The following example configures a ISATAP tunnel:
interface tunnel 1
tunnel mode ipv6ip isatap
tunnel source
Use the tunnel source Interface Configuration (Tunnel) mode command to set the
local (source) IPv4 address of a tunnel interface. The no form deletes the tunnel
local address.
| ipv4-address
tunnel source {auto
no tunnel source
auto—The system minimum IPv4 address is used as the source address for
packets sent on the tunnel interface. If the IPv4 address is changed, then the
local address of the tunnel interface is changed too.
ip4-address—Specifies the IPv4 address to use as the source address for
packets sent on the tunnel interface. The local address of the tunnel