Time To Live—The remaining amount of time, in seconds, the current device
will hold the CDP advertisement from a transmitting router before
discarding it.
Version—The software version running on the neighbor device.
Voice VLAN-ID—The Voice VLAN-ID.
VTP Management Domain—A string that is the name of the collective group
of VLANs associated with the neighbor device.
8.20 show cdp tlv
To display information about TLVs sent by CDP on all ports or on a specific port,
use the show cdp tlv command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show cdp tlv [
interface-id—Port ID.
Default Configuration
TLVs for all ports.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC mode
User Guidelines
You can use the show cdp tlv command to verify the TLVs configured to be sent in
CDP packets. The show cdp tlv command displays information for a single port if
specified or for all ports if not specified. Information for a port is displayed if only
CDP is really running on the port, i.e. CDP is enabled globally and on the port,
which is UP.
Example 1 - In this example, CDP is disabled and no information is displayed.
show cdp tlv
Cisco Sx350 Ph. 2.2.5 Devices - Command Line Interface Reference Guide
CDP Commands