Status/Alert Messages
Status message
Status messages are transmitted in the following format.
DEVICE NAME: <Device Name>
DEVICE MODEL: <Device Model >
SERIAL NUMBER: <Device Name >
MACHINE CODE: <Code String from Set-up Web Page>
Current device counter information:
Copy Count = <Copy Count >
Print Count = <Print Count>
Total Count = <Total Count>
The meaning of each item is shown below.
Copy Count: Total number of copies in the copier mode
Print Count: Total number of printed sheets in the printer mode
Total Count: Total number of printed sheets including copy count and print count
Alert message
Alert messages are transmitted in the following format.
DEVICE NAME: <Device Name>
DEVICE MODEL: <Device Model >
SERIAL NUMBER: <Serial Number >
MACHINE CODE: <Code String from Set-up Web Page >
Device has detected:
!!!! <Error Message> !!!!
Event (error) information is displayed.