Windows 3.1x
1. Ensure that the printer cable is connected between your computer and the printer and then turn on
your computer.
2. From the Program Manager, double click on 'Control Panel' located in the 'Main' menu.
3. From the Control Panel, double click on 'Printers.'
4. Click on 'Add' and then 'Install Unlisted or Updated Printer.'
5. Click on 'Install.'
6. Insert the PRINTER UTILITIES CD-ROM into a CD-ROM drive, specify the path shown in Table 2-
2, and click the 'OK' button. Then select the desired printer driver.
7. Follow the instructions on your screen to install the supplied printer driver.
The PPD and PCL6 printer drivers cannot be installed on Windows 3.1x.
Windows NT 4.0
1. Ensure that the printer cable is connected between your computer and the printer and then turn on
your computer.
2. On the Start menu, highlight 'Settings', then highlight and click on 'Printers'.
3. From the Printers window, select 'Add Printer' to run the Add Printer Wizard.
4. Select 'My computer' or 'Network Printer Server' and then click on 'Next'.
5. Follow the instructions on your screen to install the supplied printer driver. See Table 2-2 for the
printer driver path.
Making Floppy Disks from CD-ROM
The printer drivers and printer utilities in the CD-ROM can be copied to floppy disks. To install a
printer driver on a computer without a CD-ROM drive, the printer driver must be copied to a floppy
disk. The copying procedure on a Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0 computer is shown
as follows.
1. On the 'Start' menu, click 'Run'.
2. Enter the CD-ROM drive, the desired folder, and "Mkdisk.bat".