IPv4 and IPv6 Commands
This module describes the Cisco IOS XR software commands used to configure the IPv4 and IPv6 commands
for Broadband Network Gateway (BNG) on the Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router. For details regarding the
related configurations, refer to the Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Router Broadband Network
Gateway Configuration Guide.
ipv4 mtu (BNG), page 298
ipv4 unnumbered (point-to-point -BNG), page 300
ipv4 unreachables disable (BNG), page 302
ipv4 verify unicast source reachable-via (BNG), page 304
ipv6 enable (BNG), page 306
ipv6 mtu (BNG), page 308
ipv6 unreachables disable (BNG), page 310
show ipv4 interface (BNG), page 312
show ipv4 traffic (BNG), page 315
show ipv6 interface (BNG), page 317
show ipv6 neighbors (BNG), page 322
show ipv6 neighbors summary (BNG), page 328
show ipv6 traffic (BNG), page 330
Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Router Broadband Network Gateway Command Reference, Release