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Dlp- D174 Create An Ip-Over-Clns Tunnel - Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Procedure Manual

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DLP- D174 Create an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel

DLP-D174 Create an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel
Prerequisite Procedures
Required/As Needed
Security Level
IP-over-CLNS tunnels require two end points. You will create one point on an ONS 15454 SDH. The
other end point is generally provisioned on non-ONS equipment including routers and other vendor NEs.
Before you begin, verify that you have the capability to create an OSI over IP tunnel on the other
equipment location.
In node view, click the Provisioning > OSI > Tunnels tabs.
Step 1
Click Create.
Step 2
In the Create IP Over OSI Tunnel dialog box, complete the following fields:
Step 3
Always verify that the IP-over-CLNS tunnel type you choose is supported by the equipment at the other
end of the tunnel.
Click OK.
Step 4
Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Procedure Guide, R7.0
This task creates an IP-over-CLNS tunnel to allow ONS 15454 SDH nodes
to communicate across equipment and networks that use the OSI protocol
DLP-D60 Log into CTC, page 17-49
As needed
Onsite or remote
Provisioning or higher
Tunnel Type—Choose a tunnel type:
Cisco—Creates the proprietary Cisco IP tunnel. Cisco IP tunnels add the CLNS header to the
IP packets.
GRE—Creates a Generic Routing Encapsulation tunnel. GRE tunnels add the CLNS header and
a GRE header to the IP packets.
The Cisco proprietary tunnel is slightly more efficient than the GRE tunnel because it does not add
the GRE header to each IP packet. The two tunnel types are not compatible. Most Cisco routers
support the Cisco IP tunnel, while only a few support both GRE and Cisco IP tunnels. You generally
should create Cisco IP tunnels if you are tunneling between two Cisco routers or between a Cisco
router and an ONS node.
IP Address—Enter the IP address of the IP-over-CLNS tunnel destination.
IP Mask—Enter the IP address subnet mask of the IP-over-CLNS destination.
OSPF Metric—Enter the OSPF metric for sending packets across the IP-over-CLNS tunnel. The
OSPF metric, or cost, is used by OSPF routers to calculate the shortest path. The default is 110.
Normally, it is not be changed unless you are creating multiple tunnel routes and want to prioritize
routing by assigning different metrics.
NSAP Address—Enter the destination NE or OSI router NSAP address.
Chapter 18
DLPs D100 to D199


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