hit counter script

Wrap-Around Of Cpu Address Space; Figure 3-7: Wrap-Around Of Program Space; Figure 3-8: Wrap-Around Of Data Space - NEC V850E/CA1 ATOMIC Preliminary User's Manual

32-/16-bit single-chip microcontroller
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3.4.3 Wrap-around of CPU address space

Program space
Of the 32 bits of the PC (program counter), the higher 6 bits are set to "0", and only the lower 26 bits
are valid. Even if a carry or borrow occurs from bit 25 to 26 as a result of branch address calcula-
tion, the higher 6 bits ignore the carry or borrow.
Therefore, the lower-limit address of the program space, address 00000000H, and the upper-limit
address 03FFFFFFH become contiguous addresses. Wrap-around refers to the situation that the
lower-limit address and upper-limit address become contiguous like this.
Caution: No instruction can be fetched from the 4 KB area of 03FFF000H to 03FFFFFFH
because this area is defined as peripheral I/O area. Therefore, do not execute any
branch address calculation in which the result will reside in any part of this area.
Data space
The result of operand address calculation that exceeds 32 bits is ignored.
Therefore, the lower-limit address of the program space, address 00000000H, and the upper-limit
address FFFFFFFFH are contiguous addresses, and the data space is wrapped around at the
boundary of these addresses.
Chapter 3 CPU Function

Figure 3-7: Wrap-around of Program Space

Program space
Program space

Figure 3-8: Wrap-around of Data Space

Data space
Data space
Preliminary User's Manual U14913EE1V0UM00
(+) direction
( ) direction
(+) direction
( ) direction


Table of Contents

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