Sample Configured XECfgParm.dat Files for Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8(1)
# INAP prepaid properties
engine.RelINAPCallsAfterSwOver = true
# Disk Monitor Parameters
occurs when threshold is exceeded.
setting it to false does not affect log file removal, see also PreserveLogs setting.
diskmonitor.CdrRmFinished = 0
diskmonitor.OptFileSys =
diskmonitor.CoreRmDays = 1
diskmonitor.CfgRmDirs = 64
= disable)
diskmonitor.logPrio = Info
diskmonitor.logFileNamePrefix = diskmonitor # causes log messages to be diverted to
diskmonitor.TimerInterval = 60 # number of seconds before starting next task
# The next two parameters defines when old files should be removed.
# This task is run daily at dailyStartTime.
# Only core, log, cdr, alarm and measurements files are removed by this task.
diskmonitor.MaxKeepDays = 0 # maximum number of days to preserve files. use 0 to keep
diskmonitor.DailyStartTime = 04:15 # daily cleaning time (local time)
diskmonitor.PreserveLogs = false # if true and softlimit = false, log files will not be
removed even if threshold is crossed. Setting SoftLimit = true negates this setting
diskmonitor.PreserveCDRs = false
removed even if threshold is crossed. Setting SoftLimit = true negates this setting
# call verification utility Parameters
callver.SaveArea = ../etc/cust_specific/toolkit
ISDNBRI.tcpPingPort = 0
# Radius Accounting Parameters
RadiusAccounting.output = off
RadiusAccounting.numberPort = 20
radius server. The range is between 10 to 99. Default value is 20.
RadiusAccounting.smSize = 30
20 to 199. Default value is 30.
# H.248
Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
= 7
# Minimum number of days to preserve (Trimming only
= 80
# percentage full threshold
= false
# set to true to allow override of preserve limit,
# remove "finished" cdrs after X days (0 = immediate)
# list of optional filesystems to monitor (no trimming)
# number of days to keep the core files
# remove old config directories if more than X exist (0
# if true and softlimit = false, CDR files will not be
# if port=0, it will disable ISDNBRI's tcp ping function.
# default value is 0.
# tcpPing will be enabled when set a valid port value,
# suggest value is 2430
# on/off
# The number of local port to communicate with
# size of shared memory in MB. The range is between
Appendix D
Sample Installation Scripts