• diameter-switchover-timers – sets timers that prevent a back-to-back ICSR switchover due to a Diameter
failure (post ICSR switchover) while the network is still converging.
• srp-redundancy-timers – sets timers that prevent an ICSR switchover while the system is recovering
from a local card-reboot/critical-task-restart failure.
Enable BFD Multihop Fall-over
A fall-over bfd multihop mhsess_name keyword in the Context Configuration mode ip route and ipv6 route
commands enables fall-over BFD functionality for the specified multihop session. The fall-over bfd option
uses BFD to monitor neighbor reachability and liveliness. When enabled it will tear down the session if BFD
signals a failure.
context context_name
ip route { ip_address/ip_mask | ip_address ip_mask } { gateway_ip_address | next-hop
next_hop_ip_address | point-to-point | tunnel } egress_intrfc_name [ cost cost ] [ fall-over bfd multihop
mhsess_name ] [ precedence precedence ] [ vrf vrf_name [ cost value ] [ fall-over bfd multihop
mhsess_name ] [ precedence precedence ] +
The ip route command now also allows you to add a static multihop BFD route.
ip route static multihop bfd mhbfd_sess_name local_endpt_ipaddr remote_endpt_ipaddr
SNMP traps are generated when BFD sessions go up and down (BFDSessUp and BFDSessDown).
ip route Command
context context_name
ip route { ip_address/ip_mask | ip_address ip_mask } { gateway_ip_address | next-hop
next_hop_ip_address | point-to-point | tunnel } egress_intrfc_name [ cost cost ] [ fall-over bfd multihop
mhsess_name ] [ precedence precedence ] [ vrf vrf_name [ cost value ] [ fall-over bfd multihop
mhsess_name ] [ precedence precedence ] +
The ip route command now also allows you to add a static multihop BFD route.
ip route static multihop bfd mhbfd_sess_name local_endpt_ipaddr remote_endpt_ipaddr
◦damping-period – configures a delay time to trigger an ICSR switchover due to a monitoring
failure within the guard-period.
◦guard-period – configures the local-failure-recovery network-convergence timer.
◦aaa – local failure followed by AAA monitoring failure
◦bgp – local failure followed by BGP monitoring failure
◦diam – local failure followed by Diameter monitoring failure
Chassis-to-Chassis BFD Monitoring for ICSR
ASR 5000 System Administration Guide, StarOS Release 21.1