Confirming BGP Configuration Parameters
bgp Command
neighbor ip_address { activate |
advertisement-interval adv_time | capability
graceful-restart | default-originate [ route-map
map_name ] | distribute-list dist_list{ in | out } |
ebgp-multihop [ max-hop number ] | encrypted
password encrypted_password | fall-over bfd [
multihop ] | filter-list filt_list { in | out } |
max-prefix max_num [ threshold thresh_percent ] [
warning-only ] | next-hop-self | password password
| remoteas AS_num | remove-private-AS |
restart-time rest_time | route-map map_name { in
| out } | send-community { both | extended |
standard } | shutdown | srp-activated-soft-clear |
timers { [ connect-interval conn_time ] | [
keepalive-interval keep_time holdtimeinterval
hold_time ] } | update-source ip_address | weight
value }
network ip_address/mask [ route-map map_name ]
redistribute { connected | ospf | rip | static } [
route-map map_name ]
router-id ip_address
scan-time time
timers bgp keepalive-interval interval
holdtime-interval time [ min-peer-holdtimeinterval
time ]
Confirming BGP Configuration Parameters
To confirm the BGP router configuration, use the following command and look for the section labeled router
bgp in the screen output:
show config context ctxt_name [ verbose ]
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) is a network protocol used to detect faults between two forwarding
engines connected by a link. BFD establishes a session between two endpoints over a particular link. If more
than one link exists between two systems, multiple BFD sessions may be established to monitor each one of
ASR 5000 System Administration Guide, StarOS Release 21.1
Configures BGP routers that interconnect to
non-broadcast networks. Note that a remote AS
number must be specified for a neighbor before other
parameters can be configured.
Note: The advertisement-interval must be explicitly
configured for an address-family so that it can take
effect for that address-family. By default it will be
applicable only for the IPv4 address-family. Specify
the address family via the address-family command.
You can then set the neighbor advertisement-interval
in the address family configuration mode.
Specifies a network to announce via BGP.
Redistributes routes via BGP from another protocol
to BGP neighbors.
Overrides the configured router identifier and causes
BGP peers to reset.
Configures the BGP background scanner interval in
seconds. BGP monitors the next hop of the installed
routes to verify next-hop reachability and to select,
install, and validate the BGP best path. loops.
Configures BGP routing timers.