Chapter 5
Monitoring Cisco SIP IP Phones
Table 5-1
CLI Commands (continued)
debug command keywords (continued)
SIP Phone> dns {-p | -c | -s ip-address | -b
ip-address }
SIP Phone> erase protflash
SIP Phone> exit
SIP Phone> ping ip-address number packet-size timeout
How to Use the Command-Line Interface to Monitor Phones
dns—DNS command-line interface (CLI) configuration;
allows you to clear the cache and set servers.
config—Output for the config system command.
sntp—Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP).
sntp-packet—Full SNTP packet data.
http—HTTP requests and responses.
arp-broadcast—ARP broadcast messages.
xml-events—XML events that are posted to the XML
application chain.
xml-deck—XML requests for XML cards and decks.
xml-vars—XML content variables.
xml-post—XML post strings.
Do not use the debug all command because it can
cause the phone to become inoperable. This command
is for use only by Cisco TAC personnel.
To turn the debugging off, use the undebug command
(works just as does the no debug command).
Manipulates the DNS system. Keywords and arguments are as
-p—Prints the DNS cache table.
-c—Clears the DNS cache table.
-s ip-address—Sets the primary DNS server.
-b ip-address—Sets the first backup server.
Erases the protocol area of flash memory. Forces the phone to
reset its IP stack and request its configuration files again. This
command can be used only if the telnet_level parameter is set
to allow privileged commands to be executed.
Exits the Telnet or console session.
Sends an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ping to a
network address. The arguments are as follows:
ip-address—Dotted IP address or alphanumeric address
host name to ping.
number—How many pings to send. Default is 5.
packet size—Size of the packet, in bytes. Range is 1 to
1480. Default is 100.
timeout—How long, in seconds, to wait before a request
times out. Default is 2.
Cisco SIP IP Phone Administrator Guide, Release 6.x and 7.x