Configuring Subscriber Session Tracing
Trace File Collection Configuration
This section provides the configuration example to configure the trace fil e collection parameters and protocols to be
used to store trace files on TCE through FTP/S-FTP:
session trace subscriber network-element { all | ggsn | mme | pgw | sgw } [
collection-timer <dur> ] [ tce-mode { none | push transport { ftp | sftp } path
<string> username <name> { encrypted password <enc_pw> ] | password <password> }
} ]
more information, refer to the
> is the location/path on the trace collection entity (TCE) where trace files will be stored on TCE. For
session trace
command in the Command Line Interface Reference.
Cisco ASR 5x00 Packet Data Network Gateway Administration Guide ▄
Subscriber Session Trace Configuration ▀