Caveats in Cisco IOS XE 3.7S Releases
Symptom: If you dynamically remove the egress markings, ingress marking does not work.
Conditions: This issue is observed if a marking is present at the logical level in the egress direction,
DM does not work.
Workaround: Use the egress set at leaf or PHB level.
Symptom: The standby FP is stuck in init state.
Conditions: This issue occurs after ISSU is performed.
Workaround: There is no workaround.
Symptom: OSPF flap observed on the router.
Conditions: This issue occurs after IM OIR followed by SSO.
Workaround: There is no workaround.
Symptom: The standby router crashes on bootup when highly scaled configurations and when
L2VPN and multicast are configured.
Conditions: This issue occurs on reloading the router 3-4 times with highly scaled configurations
and L2VPN and multicast are configured.
Workaround: There is no workaround.
Symptom: The MTU value does not take effect on an interface.
Conditions: This issue is observed when you try to configure more than eight unique MTU values
on the router.
Workaround: There is no workaround.
Symptom: Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) is unable to resolve neighbor Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP).
Conditions: This issue occurs when software BFD is configured with static client; and IM OIR or
reload is performed.
Workaround: Use manual ping.
Symptom: UDP based ACLs do not work after a router reload.
Conditions: This issue occurs after reload.
Workaround: Remove and add the ACL.
Symptom: IPv4 VRF ping fails when disabling IPv6 unicast-routing globally.
Conditions: This issue occurs when IPv6 unicast-routing is disabled.
Workaround: Enable IPv6 unicast-routing
Cisco IOS XE 3S Release Notes for the Cisco ASR 903 Router