Caveats in Cisco IOS XE 3.9S Releases
Symptom: Traceback observed while performing OIR of IM.
Conditions: This issue occurs while performing OIR T1E1 IM
Workaround: There is no workaround.
Symptom: The convergence time is more than 2secs on the router.
Conditions: This issue occurs when convergence time is more than expected. It takes around 2.5
seconds to converge from Active to backup path with 450 CEM interfaces.
Workaround: There is no workaround.
Symptom: ASR903 -IMA8S port stays up without inserting a fiber.
Conditions: This issue is observed when GLC-FE-100FX optic is used
Workaround: There is no workaround.
Symptom: The router develops false notifications, syslog messages and cefcFRUInserted traps
when performing RP card switchover. The false notifications create false alarms in Prime Network.
Conditions: This issue occurs after RP card switchover on the router.
Workaround: There is no workaround.
Symptom: Convergence time is more than 50ms with EoMPLS after SSO.
Conditions: This issue occurs when port channel and BDI configurations exist on the router and SSO
convergence time is more than 50ms.
Workaround: There is no workaround.
Symptom: Multicast traffic is dropped as TCAM entries are encountered.
Conditions: This issue occurs when TCAM entries are encountered.
Workaround: There is no workaround.
Symptom: UDP based ACLs do not work after a router reload.
Conditions: This issue occurs after reload.
Workaround: Remove and add the ACL.
Symptom: The show ptp port running detail command shows the wrong stream id.
Conditions: This issue occurs under normal working conditions.
Workaround: Use the show plat soft ptp command get the correct stream id.
Cisco IOS XE 3S Release Notes for the Cisco ASR 903 Router