Creating a Configuration File
Creating a Configuration File
When creating a configuration file, you must list commands in a logical way so that the system can
respond appropriately. One method of creating a configuration file is as follows:
Step 1
Download an existing configuration from a switch.
Step 2
Open the configuration file in a text editor, such as vi or emacs on UNIX or Notepad on a PC.
Step 3
Extract the portion of the configuration file with the desired commands and save it in a new file. Make
sure the file begins with the word begin on a line by itself and ends with the word end on a line by itself.
Step 4
Copy the configuration file to the appropriate TFTP directory on the workstation (usually /tftpboot on a
UNIX workstation).
Step 5
Make sure the permissions on the file are set to username.
This example shows a sample configuration file. This file could be used to set the DNS configuration on
multiple switches.
set ip dns server primary
set ip dns server
set ip dns enable
set ip dns domain
Configuring the Switch Using a File in Flash Memory
You can configure the switch using a file stored in Flash memory. The procedure varies depending on
your switch platform.
Software Configuration Guide—Catalyst 4000 Family, Catalyst 2948G, Catalyst 2980G, Releases 6.3 and 6.4
If passwords already exist, you cannot enter the set password and set enablepass commands
because the password verification will fail. If you enter passwords in the configuration file, the
switch mistakenly attempts to execute the passwords as commands as it executes the file.
Some commands must be followed by a blank line in the configuration file. Without the blank line,
these commands might disconnect your Telnet session. Before disconnecting a session, the switch
prompts you for confirmation. The blank line acts as a carriage return, which indicates a negative
response to the prompt, and retains the Telnet session.
Include a blank line after each occurrence of these commands in a configuration file:
set interface sc0 ip_addr netmask
set interface sc0 disable
set module disable mod_num
set port disable mod_num/port_num
Chapter 31
Working with Configuration Files