Configuring QoS
Configuring QoS
configure terminal
policer aggregate aggregate-policer-name
{rate-bps | cir cir-bps} [burst-bytes] [bc
[conform-burst] [pir pir-bps [be peak-burst]]
[conform-action [drop | set-cos-transmit
{cos_value | [cos | dscp | precedence] [table
table-map name]} | set-dscp-transmit
{dscp_value | [cos | dscp | precedence]
[table table-map name]} | set-prec-transmit
{precedence_value | [cos | dscp |
precedence] [table table-map name]} |
set-qos-transmit qos-group_value |
[exceed-action [drop | set-cos-transmit
{cos_value | [cos | dscp | precedence] [table
table-map name]} | set-dscp-transmit
{dscp_value | [cos | dscp | precedence]
[table table-map name]} | set-prec-transmit
{precedence_value | [cos | dscp |
precedence] [table table-map name]} |
set-qos-transmit qos-group_value |
[violate- action [drop | set-cos-transmit
{cos_value | [cos | dscp | precedence]} |
set-dscp-transmit {dscp_value | [cos | dscp
| precedence]} | set-prec-transmit
{precedence_value | [cos | dscp |
precedence]} | set-qos-transmit
qos-group_value | transmit]]
policy-map policy-map-name
Enter global configuration mode.
Define the policer parameters that can be applied to multiple traffic
classes within the same policy map.
For aggregate-policer-name, specify the name of the
aggregate policer.
For rate-bps, specify average traffic rate in bits per second
(b/s). The range is 8000 to 1000000000.
For cir cir-bps, specify a committed information rate (CIR) at
which the first token bucket is updated in bits per second (b/s).
The range is 8000 to 1000000000.
For burst-bytes (optional), specify the normal burst size in
bytes. The range is 8000 to 1000000.
(Optional) For bc conform-burst, specify the conformed burst
used by the first token bucket for policing.The range is 8000 to
1000000 bytes.
(Optional) For pir pir-bps, specify the peak information rate at
which the second token bucket for policing is updated. The
range is 8000 to 1000000000 bits per second. If you do not
enter a pir pir-bps, the policer is configured as a 1-rate,
2-color policer.
For be peak-burst, specify the peak burst size used by the
second token bucket. The range is 8000 to 1000000 bytes. The
default is internally calculated based on the user configuration.
(Optional) For conform-action, specify the action to take on
packets that conform to the CIR. The default is to send the
If the conform action is set to drop, the exceed and violate
actions are automatically set to drop. If the exceed action is set to
drop, the violate action is automatically set to drop.
(Optional) For exceed-action, specify the action to take on
packets that exceed the CIR. The default is to drop the packet.
(Optional) For violate-action, specify the action to take on
packets that exceed the CIR. The default is to drop the packet.
Configuring Input Policy Maps with Individual Policing,
page 611
for definitions of the action keywords.
You cannot configure table maps for violate-action for
aggregate policing unless a table map is configured for
exceed-action and no explicit action is configured for
Create a policy map by entering the policy map name, and enter
policy-map configuration mode.