Chapter 2
Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Cisco IOS Commands
Usage Guidelines
Related Commands
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Use these guidelines when scheduling testing:
name—Enter the
show diagnostic
the test ID list.
test-id—Enter the
show diagnostic
test-id-range—Enter the
ID list. Enter the range as integers separated by a comma and a hyphen (for example, 1,3-6 specifies
test IDs 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6).
hh:mm—Enter the time as a 2-digit number (for a 24-hour clock) for hours:minutes; the colon (:) is
required, such as 12:30.
For mm dd yyyy:
mm—Spell out the month, such as January, February, and so on, with upper case or lower case
dd—Enter the day as a 2-digit number, such as 03 or 16.
yyyy—Enter the year as a 4-digit number, such as 2006.
day-of-week—Spell out the day of the week, such as Monday, Tuesday, and so on, with upper case
or lower case characters.
If you are running a diagnostic test that has the reload attribute on a switch in a stack, you could
potentially partition the stack depending on your cabling configuration. To avoid partitioning your stack,
enter the
show switch
detail privileged EXEC command to verify the stack configuration.
This example shows how to schedule diagnostic testing for a specific day and time on stack member 3 when
this command is entered on a stack master:
Switch(config)# diagnostic schedule switch 3 test 1,2,4-6 on november 3 2006 23:10
This example shows how to schedule diagnostic testing to occur weekly at a specific time on a switch:
Switch(config)# diagnostic schedule test TestPortAsicMem weekly friday 09:23
show diagnostic
manuals search engine
content privileged EXEC command to display the test names in
content command to display the test numbers in the test ID list.
show diagnostic
content command to display the test numbers in the test
Displays online diagnostic test results.
Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Command Reference
diagnostic schedule