RP is ACTIVE, standby ready, bulk sync complete
NSF interval timer expired (NSF restart enabled)
Checkpointing enabled, no errors
Local state:ACTIVE,
The following display shows sample output for the Cisco configuration on the standby RSP. In this
example, note the presence of "NSF restart enabled":
Router# show isis nsf
NSF enabled, mode 'cisco'
RP is STANDBY, chkpt msg receive count:ADJ 2, LSP 7
NSF interval timer notification received (NSF restart enabled)
Checkpointing enabled, no errors
Local state:STANDBY HOT,
If the NSF configuration is set to ietf, use the show isis nsf command to verify that NSF is enabled on
Step 3
the device. The following display shows sample output for the IETF IS-IS configuration on the
networking device:
Router# show isis nsf
NSF pdb state:Inactive
NSF L1 active interfaces:0
NSF L1 active LSPs:0
NSF interfaces awaiting L1 CSNP:0
Awaiting L1 LSPs:
NSF L2 active interfaces:0
NSF L2 active LSPs:0
NSF interfaces awaiting L2 CSNP:0
Awaiting L2 LSPs:
NSF L1 Restart state:Running
NSF p2p Restart retransmissions:0
Maximum L1 NSF Restart retransmissions:3
L1 NSF ACK requested:FALSE
L1 NSF CSNP requested:FALSE
NSF L2 Restart state:Running
NSF p2p Restart retransmissions:0
Maximum L2 NSF Restart retransmissions:3
L2 NSF ACK requested:FALSE
NSF L1 Restart state:Running
NSF L1 Restart retransmissions:0
Maximum L1 NSF Restart retransmissions:3
L1 NSF ACK requested:FALSE
L1 NSF CSNP requested:FALSE
NSF L2 Restart state:Running
NSF L2 Restart retransmissions:0
Maximum L2 NSF Restart retransmissions:3
L2 NSF ACK requested:FALSE
L2 NSF CSNP requested:FALSE
NSF L1 Restart state:Running
NSF L1 Restart retransmissions:0
Maximum L1 NSF Restart retransmissions:3
L1 NSF ACK requested:FALSE
L1 NSF CSNP requested:FALSE
NSF L2 Restart state:Running
NSF L2 Restart retransmissions:0
Maximum L2 NSF Restart retransmissions:3
L2 NSF ACK requested:FALSE
L2 NSF CSNP requested:FALSE
Peer state:STANDBY HOT,
Peer state:ACTIVE,
Route Switch Processor (RSP8) Installation and Configuration Guide
Enabling High Availability Features