Hot plug capable
NVMe Flash adapter maximum write capability
Determine whether the NVMe Flash adapter maximum write capability is depleted by completing the
following steps:
1. Type the following command at the Linux command line and press Enter: nvme smart-log
/dev/nvmeX, where nvmeX is the resource name of the NVMe Flash adapter.
2. If the critical_warning field is 1 (bit 0 is set) and the percentage_used field is 90% or greater, replace
the NVMe Flash adapter.
Note: The replacement of depleted NVMe Flash adapters is covered during the system warranty period.
After the warranty period has expired, the cost that is incurred for the replacement of depleted NVMe
Flash adapters is not covered under maintenance contracts, and is the responsibility of the customer.
Service tools for Linux on Power servers
To obtain the utility to update firmware, format storage, and complete other service tasks, complete the
following steps:
1. Go to Service and productivity tools and follow the instructions to download service tools.
2. Install the NVMe management command line interface (CLI).
v For Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), type yum install nvme-cli.
v For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), type zypper install nvme-cli.
3. For more information about using the NVMe CLI, see the README file.
Operating system or partition requirements
If you are installing a new feature, ensure that you have the software that is required to support the new
feature and that you determine whether any prerequisites must be met for this feature and attaching
devices. To check for the prerequisites, see IBM Prerequisite website (
The adapter is supported on the following versions of the operating systems:
Important: For a list of known Linux OS issues that may affect this adapter, see the IBM Power LC
readme (
v Linux
– Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2, little-endian, for Power, or later
– Ubuntu 16.04.1, or later
– Ubuntu 14.04.5, or later
– For support details, see the Linux Alert website (
– The latest version of the device driver or iprutils can be downloaded from the IBM Service and
Productivity Tools website(
– The latest version of enabling libraries and utilities may be downloaded from Fix
Installing a PCIe adapter in the 8001-12C system
Complete the steps in this procedure to install a PCIe adapter in the IBM Power System S821LC
(8001-12C) system.
Installing and configuring the system