Port Adapters
X.25 Support
X.25 packet-switched support is provided by the operating software that is bundled with the
Cisco IOS software image. The operating software provides both the link and packet level facilities
of the HSSI port adapters.
The operating software is accessed via a VT100 terminal connected to the console port of the
Input/Output controller. The settings of the terminal should be as follows:
To boot the software, type the following command at the ">" prompt:
(The software will now boot from Flash memory.)
Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) Support
SMDS packet-switched, datagram-based support is provided by the operating software that is
bundled with the Cisco IOS software image. The operating software provides both the link and
packet level facilities of the HSSI port adapters.
Safety Information
Following are safety instructions for installing the HSSI port adapter in a Cisco 7200 series router.
Failure to install the HSSI port adapter in accordance with these instructions will invalidate the
If you have any doubt as to how to safely install the HSSI port adapters correctly within a Cisco 7200
series router, please seek advice from a qualified telecommunications engineer.
Power Requirements
The power requirements of the HSSI port adapters are as follows:
It is important to ensure that the power drawn by the apparatus, together with any auxiliary
apparatus, lies within the rating of the host power supply.
Baud: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
> b flash
The HSSI port adapters contain Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV) circuitry. Ensure that
attachments at the interconnection ports of the apparatus are also SELV circuits. (SELV circuits
are so designed and protected that, under both normal conditions and a likely fault condition, the
voltage that can be drawn is not hazardous.)
Always disconnect the chassis from the power supply before removing any covers.
Always disconnect the host product chassis from any analogue telephone circuits or ISDN
(where applicable) before removing any covers.
+5 VDC/1300mA
+12 VDC/850mA
–12 VDC/0mA