Creating a Snapshot
switch(config-mm-profile-router)# end
Exit maintenance profile mode.
switch# show maintenance profile
[Normal Mode]
interface Ethernet1/1
no shutdown
sleep instance 1 20
router bgp 100
no isolate
[Maintenance Mode]
router bgp 100
sleep instance 1 20
interface Ethernet1/1
Creating a Snapshot
You can create a snapshot of the running states of selected features. When you create a snapshot, a predefined
set of show commands are run and the outputs are saved.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
This example shows how to create a snapshot:
switch# snapshot create before_maint taken before maint
Executing 'show interface'... Done
Executing 'show ip route summary vrf all'... Done
Executing 'show ipv6 route summary vrf all'... Done
Executing 'show bgp sessions vrf all'... Done
Executing 'show ip eigrp topology summary'... Done
Executing 'show ipv6 eigrp topology summary'... Done
Executing 'show vpc'... Done
Executing 'show ip ospf vrf all'... Done
Feature 'ospfv3' not enabled, skipping...
Executing 'show isis database detail vrf all'... Done
Executing 'show ip rip vrf all'... Done
Executing user-specified 'show ip route detail vrf all'... Done
Snapshot 'before_maint' created
Cisco Nexus 5600 Series NX-OS System Management Configuration Guide, Release 7.x
Command or Action
switch# snapshot create name
switch# show snapshots
switch# show snapshots compare
snapshot-name-1 snapshot-name-2
Configuring GIR (Cisco NX-OS Release 7.3(0)N1(1))
Creates a snapshot. The name variable can be 64 characters
in length. The description variable can be 256 characters in
Use the snapshot delete {all | snapshot-name} command
to delete all snapshots or a specific snapshot.
Displays snapshots present on the switch.
Displays a comparison of two snapshots. The summary
keyword displays just enough information to see the overall
changes between the two snapshots.