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Operator Control Panel Physical Details And - IBM DR550 Problem Determination And Service Manual

Table of Contents


Figure 4. Operator control panel physical details and buttons
Primary control panel functions
The primary control panel functions are defined as functions 01 to 20, including
options to view and manipulate IPL modes, server operating modes, IPL speed,
and IPL type.
The following list describes the primary functions:
v Function 01: Display selected IPL type, system operating mode, and IPL speed
v Function 02: Select IPL type, IPL speed override, and system operating mode
v Function 03: Start IPL
v Function 04: Lamp test
v Function 05: Reserved
v Function 06: Reserved
v Function 07: SPCN functions
v Function 08: Fast power off
v Functions 09 to 10: Reserved
v Functions 11 to 19: System reference code
v Function 20: System type, model, feature code, and IPL type
All the functions mentioned are accessible using the Advanced System
Management Interface (ASMI) or the control panel.
Extended control panel functions
The extended control panel functions consist of two major groups:
v Functions 21 through 49, which are available when you select Manual mode
v Support service representative Functions 50 through 99, which are available
Function 30 – CEC SP IP address and location: Function 30 is one of the
Extended control panel functions and is only available when Manual mode is
selected. You can use this function to display the central electronic complex (CEC)
Service Processor IP address and location segment. Table 4 on page 18 shows an
example of how to use Function 30.
from Function 02.
when you select Manual mode from Function 02, then select and enter the
customer service switch 1 (Function 25), followed by service switch 2 (Function
Chapter 4. DR550 SSAM Server


Table of Contents

Table of Contents