Customizing Cisco SPA and Wireless IP Phones
Configuring Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for the SPA500 Series
Cisco SPA500 Series and WIP310 IP Phone Administration Guide
LDAP Last Name Filter
LDAP First Name Filter
LDAP Search Item 3
LDAP Item 3 Filter
LDAP Search Item 4
LDAP Item 4 Filter
LDAP Display Attrs
This defines the search for surnames [sn], known as
last name in some parts of the world. For example,
sn:(sn=*$VALUE*). This search allows the provided
text to appear anywhere in a name, beginning,
middle, or end.
You must enter a value in both the last name and first
name fields so that the LDAP corporate directory
option displays on the phone. If both fields are
empty, the directory does not display.
This defines the search for the common name [cn].
For example, cn:(cn=*$VALUE*). This search allows
the provided text to appear anywhere in a name,
beginning, middle, or end.
You must enter a value in both the last name and first
name fields so that the LDAP corporate directory
option displays on the phone. If both fields are
empty, the directory does not display.
Additional customized search item. Can be blank if
not needed.
Customized filter for the searched item. Can be
blank if not needed.
Additional customized search item. Can be blank if
not needed.
Customized filter for the searched item. Can be
blank if not needed.
Format of LDAP results display on phone where:
a—Attribute name (such as cn, sn, and
n—Display name
p—phone number
For example:
a=cn, n=Name;a=telephoneNumber,n=Phone,t=p;