Chapter 3
Installing the Router
These ports provide administrative access to your router either locally (with a console terminal) or
remotely (with a modem).
Identifying a Rollover Cable
Use a rollover cable to connect to the asynchronous serial console and auxiliary ports. You can identify
a rollover cable by comparing the two modular ends of the cable. Holding the cables side-by-side, with
the tab at the back, the wire connected to the pin on the outside of the left plug should be the same color
as the wire connected to the pin on the outside of the right plug. (See Figure 3-2.) If your cable came
from Cisco, pin 1 will be white on one connector, and pin 8 will be white on the other (a rollover cable
reverses pins 1 and 8, 2 and 7, 3 and 6, and 4 and 5).
Figure 3-2
Console Port
Take the following steps to connect a terminal or a PC running terminal emulation software to the
console port on the router:
Connect the terminal using an RJ-45 rollover cable and an RJ-45-to-DB-25 or RJ-45-to-DB-9 adapter
Step 1
(labeled TERMINAL).
Configure your terminal or terminal emulation software for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and 2 stop
Step 2
Identifying a Rollover Cable
Pin 1
The RJ-45-to-DB-25 adapter (Cisco part number 29-0810-01) can be purchased
from Cisco.
Cisco MWR 1900 Mobile Wireless Edge Router Hardware Installation Guide
Pin 1 and pin 8
should be the
same color
Pin 8
Connecting the Console Terminal and Modem