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Siemens SIPROTEC 7VE61 Manual
Siemens SIPROTEC 7VE61 Manual

Siemens SIPROTEC 7VE61 Manual

Multifunction paralleling devices, communication module, modbus, bus mapping
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Multifunction Paralleling
7VE61, 7VE63
Communication module
Bus mapping
Revision 1.0
Edition: July 2003



Summary of Contents for Siemens SIPROTEC 7VE61

  • Page 1 3UHIDFH 7DEOH RI FRQWHQWV 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS SIPROTEC ,QGH[ Multifunction Paralleling Devices 7VE61, 7VE63 Communication module Modbus Bus mapping Revision 1.0 Edition: July 2003 C53000-L1840-C017-03...
  • Page 2 8‚ƒ’…vtu‡ We have checked the contents of this manual against the Copyright © Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved. hardware and software described. Exclusions and devia- Dissemination or reproduction of this document, or evaluation and commu- tions cannot be ruled out; we accept no liability for lack of nication of its contents, is not authorized except where expressly permitted.
  • Page 3 3UHIDFH 3XUSRVH RI WKLV The manual describes the register map organization of the Modbus slave of the PDQXDO SIPROTEC devices 7VE61, 7VE63 and is devided into the following topics: • Modbus register map → Chapter 1. General details about the function, operation, assembly and commissioning of the SIPROTEC devices you find in the •...
  • Page 4 • Modbus standard mappings 3-n (n = device type dependent number of standard mappings). $GGLWLRQDO 6XSSRUW For questions regarding SIPROTEC4 devices, please contact your Siemens repre- sentative. 7UDLQLQJ FRXUVHV Individual course offerings may be found in our Training Catalog and questions can be directed to our Training Centre.
  • Page 5 3UHIDFH :DUQLQJ During operation of electrical equipment, certain parts of these devices are under high voltage. Severe personal injury or significant equipment damage could result from improper behaviour. Only qualified personnel should work on this equipment or in the vicinity of this equip- ment.
  • Page 6 3UHIDFH SIPROTEC Modbus - Bus mapping 7VE61, 7VE63 C53000-L1840-C017-03...
  • Page 7 5HYLVLRQ LQGH[ Listing of the changes between the editions of this manual: 0RGLILHG FKDSWHUV  (GLWLRQ 5HDVRQV RI PRGLILFDWLRQ SDJHV First edition, Doc.-No.: C53000-L1840-C017-03 July 30 , 2003 SIPROTEC Modbus - Bus mapping 7VE61, 7VE63 C53000-L1840-C017-03...
  • Page 8 5HYLVLRQ LQGH[ SIPROTEC Modbus - Bus mapping 7VE61, 7VE63 C53000-L1840-C017-03...
  • Page 9 7DEOH RI FRQWHQWV 3UHIDFH L 5HYLVLRQ LQGH[  Y 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS   Explanations ........................1-2 Coil Status registers (0X references)................... 1-3 1.2.1 Registers 00001 to 00044: Single commands (with checkback indication)......1-3 1.2.2 Registers 00045 to 00048: Internal commands..............1-5 1.2.3 Registers 00049 to 00052: Double commands (with checkback indication) .......
  • Page 10 7DEOH RI FRQWHQWV viii SIPROTEC Modbus - Bus mapping 7VE61, 7VE63 C53000-L1840-C017-03...
  • Page 11 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS This chapter describes the register map organization of the Modbus slave of the SIPROTEC devices 7VE61, 7VE63. Explanations Coil Status registers (0X references) Input Status registers (1X references) Input registers (3X references) 1-11 Holding registers (4X references) 1-12 SIPROTEC Modbus - Bus mapping 7VE61, 7VE63 C53000-L1840-C017-03...
  • Page 12 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS ([SODQDWLRQV 1RWH The examples shown in this chapter 1.1 do not necessarily correspond to the real allo- cation of the objects in the register mapping. Chapters 1.2 to 1.5 define the mapping of the data objects of the SIPROTEC devices 7VE61, 7VE63 to the associated Modbus registers.
  • Page 13 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS &RLO 6WDWXV UHJLVWHUV ; UHIHUHQFHV The Coil Status register block allows the Modbus master: • command outputs through the output relays of the SIPROTEC device (external commands), • manipulation of taggings (internal commands), • reading the checkback indication and/or the status of output relays as well as taggings.
  • Page 14 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS 'HVLJQDWLRQ RI WKH ,QWHUQDO 5HJLVWHU &RPPHQWV 6,3527(& REMHFWV REMHFW QR 00020 <user-defined> not pre-allocated 00021 <user-defined> not pre-allocated 00022 <user-defined> not pre-allocated 00023 <user-defined> not pre-allocated 00024 <user-defined> not pre-allocated 00025 <user-defined> not pre-allocated 00026 <user-defined> not pre-allocated 00027 <user-defined>...
  • Page 15 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS  5HJLVWHUV  WR  ,QWHUQDO FRPPDQGV 'HVLJQDWLRQ RI WKH ,QWHUQDO 5HJLVWHU &RPPHQWV 6,3527(& REMHFWV REMHFW QR 0 = not permitted Command: Setting Group A 1 = Activation of setting group A 00045 0 = Setting group A is not active Indication: Setting Group A 1 = Setting group A is active 0 = not permitted...
  • Page 16 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS  5HJLVWHUV  WR  'RXEOH FRPPDQGV ZLWK FKHFNEDFN LQGLFDWLRQ • User-defined double commands with double-point indication as checkback indica- tion can be routed on these position as “Source/Destination system interface” using the ',*6, &RQILJXUDWLRQ PDWUL[. • Ref. to chap. “Double command / Double-point indication” in the manual “SIPRO- TEC Communication module, Modbus - Communication profile”...
  • Page 17 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS ,QSXW 6WDWXV UHJLVWHUV ; UHIHUHQFHV The Input Status register block allows the Modbus master to scan the current status of the input channels as well as the annunciations generated in the SIPROTEC device (e.g. protection annunciations, status annunciations). 1RWH •...
  • Page 18 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS  5HJLVWHUV  WR  (UURU PHVVDJHV V\QFKURQL]DWLRQ 'HVLJQDWLRQ RI WKH ,QWHUQDO 5HJLVWHU &RPPHQWV 6,3527(& REMHFWV REMHFW QR 10017 25 MonTimeExc 1 = 25 Monitoring time exceeded 222.2025.01 10018 25 FG-Error 1 = 25 Multiple selection of func-groups 222.2096.01 10019 25 Fail.Conf.
  • Page 19 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS 'HVLJQDWLRQ RI WKH ,QWHUQDO 5HJLVWHU &RPPHQWV 6,3527(& REMHFWV REMHFW QR 10048 25-3 BLOCK 1 = 25-group 3 is BLOCKED 170.0051.03 10049 25-4 BLOCK 1 = 25-group 4 is BLOCKED 170.0051.04 10050 25-5 BLOCK 1 = 25-group 5 is BLOCKED 170.0051.05 10051 25-6 BLOCK...
  • Page 20 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS 'HVLJQDWLRQ RI WKH ,QWHUQDO 5HJLVWHU &RPPHQWV 6,3527(& REMHFWV REMHFW QR 10086 25 CloseRel 1 1 = 25 Release of Close Command 1-6 170.2300.06 10087 25 CloseRel 2 1 = 25 Release of Close Command 2-6 170.2301.06 10088 25 CloseRel 1 1 = 25 Release of Close Command 1-7 170.2300.07...
  • Page 21 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS ,QSXW UHJLVWHUV ; UHIHUHQFHV The Input register block allows the Modbus master to read the values of the the analog inputs of the SIPROTEC device (recorded measured values). 1RWH • Depending on the device composition not all of the indicated analog inputs (and corresponding Modbus registers) may be available in the SIPROTEC device.
  • Page 22 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS +ROGLQJ UHJLVWHUV ; UHIHUHQFHV The Holding register block allows the Modbus master: • query of system and diagnostic information, statistic values as well as min/max values, • time synchronization of the SIPROTEC device and • reading the Event recorder (Sequence of Events).  5HJLVWHUV  WR  6\VWHP LQIRUPDWLRQ •...
  • Page 23 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS  5HJLVWHUV  WR  7LPH V\QFKURQL]DWLRQ • Ref. to chap. “Time synchronization” in the manual “SIPROTEC Communication module, Modbus - Communication profile” for additional notes regarding methods of time synchronization and Time/Date data type. 'HVLJQDWLRQ RI WKH 5HJLVWHU &RPPHQWV 6,3527(&...
  • Page 24 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS  5HJLVWHU  'LDJQRVLV • Registers are write-protected. • The contents of this register is also readable using function "Diagnostics" (function code 7), subfunction "Return Diagnostic Register" (subfunction code 2). • Ref. to chap. “Bus specific parameters” in the manual “SIPROTEC Communication module, Modbus - Communication profile”...
  • Page 25 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS  5HJLVWHUV  WR  6WDWLVWLF YDOXHV • Registers are write-protected. • Installation-specific statistic values can be routed on these register positions as “Destination system interface” using the ',*6, &RQILJXUDWLRQ PDWUL[. 'HVLJQDWLRQ RI WKH ,QWHUQDO 5HJLVWHU &RPPHQWV 6,3527(&...
  • Page 26 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS  5HJLVWHUV  WR  0LQ0D[ YDOXHV RI PHDVXUHG YDOXHV • Registers are write-protected. • Min/Max values can be routed on these register positions as “Destination system interface” using the ',*6, &RQILJXUDWLRQ PDWUL[. • Information regarding the Time/Date data type you find in the manual “SIPROTEC Communication module, Modbus - Communication profile”...
  • Page 27 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS  5HJLVWHUV  WR  (YHQW UHFRUGHU 6HTXHQFH RI (YHQWV • Registers are write-protected (with the exception of “SOE_Control”). • Information regarding the individual information in the handshake register, the data type “Message block” and the evaluation of Event recorder entries you find in the manual “SIPROTEC Communication module, Modbus - Communication profile”...
  • Page 28 0RGEXV UHJLVWHU PDS 1-18 SIPROTEC Modbus - Bus mapping 7VE61, 7VE63 C53000-L1840-C017-03...
  • Page 29 *ORVVDU\ Universal asynchronous communication module with (electrical) isolated RS485 interface for the SIPROTEC devices from Siemens. Universal asynchronous communication module with fibre-optical interface for the SIPROTEC devices from Siemens. &)& Continuous Function Chart &5& Cyclical Redundancy Check '& Double Command...
  • Page 30 *ORVVDU\ SIPROTEC Modbus - Bus mapping 7VE61, 7VE63 C53000-L1840-C017-03...
  • Page 31 ,QGH[ 1XPHULFV ...............1-8 Seqence of Events → Event recorder ..........1-3 Single commands ........1-7 Single-point indications & ..........1-15 Statistic values Synchronization ..........1-8 Changing the setting group ........1-5 Error messages ........... 1-8 ...........1-3 Coil Status registers Target audience ..........P-ii ..........1-6 Double commands...
  • Page 32 ,QGH[ SIPROTEC Modbus - Bus mapping 7VE61, 7VE63 C53000-L1840-C017-03...
  • Page 33 &RUUHFWLRQV )URP Siemens AG Name: Dept. PTD PA D DM D–13623 Berlin Company/Dept.: Germany Address: Dear reader, printing errors can never be entirely eliminated: therefore, should you come across any when Phone no.: Fax no.: reading this manual, kindly enter them in this form together with any comments or suggestions for improvement that you may have.
  • Page 34 Offenders are liable to the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event of the grant of Subject to technical alteration a patent or the registration of a utility model or design. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Order-no.: C53000-L1840-C017-03...

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