Chapter 4
Configuring the PA-VXA, PA-VXB, and PA-VXC
Voice over Frame Relay Configuration Example
For Frame Relay, it is customary to configure a main interface and several subinterfaces, one
subinterface per PVC. The following example configures a Frame Relay main interface and a
subinterface so that voice and data traffic can be successfully transported:
interface serial 1/1
MTU 300
no ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
fair-queue 64 256 1000
frame-relay ip rtp header-compression
interface serial 1/1.1
MTU 300
ip address
ip rsvp bandwidth 48 48
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
bandwidth 64
traffic-shape rate 32000 4000 4000
frame-relay interface-dlci 16
frame-relay ip rtp header-compression
In this configuration example, the main interface has been configured as follows:
The subinterface has been configured as follows:
When traffic bursts over the CIR, output rate is held at the speed configured for the CIR (for example,
traffic will not go beyond 32 kbps if the CIR is set to 32 kbps).
For more information about Frame Relay, refer to the Cisco IOS Release 12.0 Wide-Area Networking
Configuration Guide.
MTU size is 300 bytes.
No IP address is associated with this serial interface. The IP address must be assigned for the
Encapsulation method is Frame Relay.
Fair queuing is enabled.
IP RTP header compression is enabled
MTU size is inherited from the main interface.
IP address for the subinterface is specified.
Bandwidth is set to 64 kbps.
RSVP is enabled to use the default value, which is 75 percent of the configured bandwidth.
Generic traffic shaping is enabled with 32 kbps CIR where Bc = 4000 bits and Be = 4000 bits.
Frame Relay DLCI number is specified.
IP RTP header compression is enabled.
T1/E1 Digital Voice Port Adapter Installation and Configuration
Configuring Voice over Frame Relay