Function description
The POSMO A is set to the "ready to start" state (control word 0x040E) with the TRUE level
on the init input parameter. The "ready to start" state is displayed in the output parameter
statusWord, bit 0 = TRUE. When the transition from FALSE to TRUE level occurs at the input
parameter enable, the drive is set to "ready for operation". The POSMO A changes to the
"ready for operation" state, which can be read out on the output parameter ready = TRUE.
Traversing is started when the input parameters enableSetpoint = TRUE,
enableRamp = TRUE, (enable ramp-function generator) execRamp = TRUE (start ramp-
function generator) with a positive edge, and setpoint > 0.
The order in which the input parameters enable, enableSetpoint, enableRamp, and
execRamp are set for starting traversing is at the user's discretion. The input parameters
specified above have equal status. Traversing stops when the input parameters enable,
enableSetpoint, enableRamp, and execRamp are reset.
Transferring parameters (e.g. ramp-up time - input parameter accelTime) requires several task
cycles. If a new value is parameterized at the accelTime input parameter, the output parameter
dataReady is set to FALSE. Any pending parameter errors (output parameter error = TRUE)
are reset. Data transfer is performed as soon as the in/out parameter busy = FALSE. If data
transmission was active when the accelTime input parameter was newly parameterized (e.g.
read parameter with _POSMOA_rwParameter FB), data transfer is suspended until busy
= FALSE. The value which was parameterized when busy = TRUE changed to busy
= FALSE at the input parameter accelTime is transferred. Completion of data transfer is
displayed with a rising edge at the output parameter dataReady and stays at TRUE until the
next data transfer is started.
Message frame substitution (POSMO A, software version V3.0 and higher)
With certain applications, it is essential that the drive be prevented from coming to an
undesirable standstill under all circumstances, or that "freezing" of the drive status can be
configured for the purpose of shutting down the master (SIMOTION device).
The "Message frame substitution" function can be activated with the reqControl input
parameter as of software version V3.0 of the POSMO A with set parameter p701 = TRUE.
The process data sent by the SIMOTION device are taken over by the POSMO A with
reqControl = TRUE. With the transition from TRUE to FALSE on the reqControl input
parameter, the POSMO A uses the process data received last (control word, block selection
and start byte). If parameter P701 = FALSE, the status of the reqControl input parameter is
not evaluated.
The "Message frame substitution" function takes effect immediately with p701 = 1!
Make sure that the drive can be shut down at any time by an EMERGENCY STOP.
For more information, refer to the SIMODRIVE POSMO A user manual,
Motor on PROFIBUS DP .
Supplement to SIMODRIVE POSMO A Positioning Motor
Function Manual, 01/2015
3.3 Function block _POSMOA_nControl
Distributed Positioning
Function blocks