Cisco CVA122/CVA122E Cable Voice Adapter Installation Checklist
Table 3-1
Installation Checklist
Verify that the PC to be connected to the cable voice adapter has either a USB port
or an Ethernet NIC. Ensure that all other PC prerequisites are met.
Ensure the selected location to install the cable voice adapter is free of dust and
meets all requirements.
Install the Cisco CVA122/CVA122E Cable Voice Adapter:
Close to the cable drop connection.
If using USB connectivity, the Cisco CVA122/CVA122E Cable Voice Adapter
must be within 5 meters of the connected PC (or USB hub).
Close to the power source.
If wall-mounting, on a cement, wood, or drywall, near the cable drop
connection and power source. Otherwise, place the unit on a stable, flat surface
such as a desktop, close to the devices to be connected such that your cables
reach all devices, but in a location where the top, sides, and rear of the chassis
are clear of obstructions and away from the exhaust of other equipment.
If placed on a desktop, the Cisco CVA122/CVA122E Cable Voice Adapter
can be placed flat or it can be placed vertically in its support stand, as
Check the power at the subscriber site before and after installation to ensure that
you are receiving clean power.
Attach the 8-pin end of the supplied power supply cord into the cable voice
adapter's Power connector. Push the plug into the connector until it locks. Connect
the power cord to the power supply, and plug the cable voice adapter's power
supply into the wall outlet.
For information on connecting the Cisco CVA122/CVA122E Cable Voice
Adapter to the Cisco CVA120 Series Universal Power Supply (UPS), see
the instructions that accompany the UPS.
Connect the cable voice adapter's F-connector to the cable TV coaxial drop cable.
(If the subscriber also subscribes to cable TV services, install a cable
splitter/directional coupler and high-pass filter as appropriate.)
Cisco CVA122/CVA122E Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 3
Installing the Cisco CVA122/CVA122E Cable Voice Adapter
For More Information,
"Site Requirements"
section on page 2-3
"Environmental" section
on page 2-5
"Physical Placement"
section on page 3-4
"Verifying Power
Requirements" section on
page 3-9
"Connecting Power"
section on page 3-10
"Connecting to the Cable
System" section on
page 3-11
OL-0799-02 (05/2001)