Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
To install the firmware on Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express, extract the contents of the TAR file and upload
into the router's flash. Each file will need to be enabled for TFTP download. Configure the phone load and reset the phones to
upgrade the firmware.
8861 Example:
tftp-server flash:sip88xx.11-7-1-17.loads
tftp-server flash:boot1288xx.BE-01-007.sbn
tftp-server flash:fbi88xx.BE-01-010.sbn
tftp-server flash:kern88xx.11-7-1-17.sbn
tftp-server flash:kern288xx.11-7-1-17.sbn
tftp-server flash:m0patch288xx.BE-01-001.sbn
tftp-server flash:rootfs88xx.11-7-1-17.sbn
tftp-server flash:rootfs288xx.11-7-1-17.sbn
tftp-server flash:sb288xx.BE-01-024.sbn
tftp-server flash:sb2288xx.BE-01-009.sbn
tftp-server flash:ssb288xx.BE-01-005.sbn
tftp-server flash:vc488xx.11-7-1-17.sbn
voice register pool-type 8861
transport tcp
description Cisco SIP Phone 8861
reference-pooltype 9971
voice register global
load 8861 sip88xx.11-7-1-17
8865 Example:
tftp-server flash:sip8845_65.11-7-1-17.loads
tftp-server flash:fbi8845_65.BEV-01-006.sbn
tftp-server flash:kern8845_65.11-7-1-17.sbn
tftp-server flash:rootfs8845_65.11-7-1-17.sbn
tftp-server flash:sb28845_65.BEV-01-015.sbn
tftp-server flash:vc48845_65.11-7-1-17.sbn
voice register pool-type 8865
transport tcp
description Cisco SIP Phone 8865
Cisco IP Phone 8861 and 8865 Wireless LAN Deployment Guide