Intel LAN Controller (LAN1-LAN2) [Enabled]
This item allows you to enable or disable the Intel LAN1/2 controllers.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
The following item appears only when you set the Intel LAN Controller to [Enabled].
Intel PXE OPROM (LAN1-LAN2) [Disabled]
This item allows you to enable/disable the PXE OptionRom of the Intel
Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]
Serial Port Configuration
The items in this menu allows you to set the parameters of the serial port.
This items in this menu works only if a serial port connector is installed on the motherboard.
Serial Port [On]
This item allows you to enable/disable the serial port.
Configuration options: [On] [Off]
Change Settings [Auto]
This item allows you to select an optimal setting for Super IO device.
Configuration options: [IO=3F8h; IRQ=4;] [IO=2F8h; IRQ=3] [IO=3E8h; IRQ=4]
[IO=2E8h; IRQ=3]
LAN controller.