Using the directory, direct dialling keys and lists
Using the directory,
direct dialling keys and
The telephone offers a directory,
direct dialling keys, redial list,
answering machine list (dependent
on base), network mailbox list and
missed calls list.
You can save up to 150 entries in the
You can create a personalised direc-
tory for your own individual hand-
set. You can copy all of the entries or
individual entries to other handsets
(¢ page 31). It is also possible to
copy entries from old handsets pro-
viding they are registered to your
(new) base.
You can store numbers and the asso-
ciated names in the directory. In
idle status, open the directory with
the s key or via the menu:
¤ Directory ¤
Please note
This user guide always shows the
directory being opened using
the s key.
Length of an entry
Number: max. 22 digits
max. 16 characters
Storing the first number in the
s ¤ New entry? ¤
¤ ~ (Enter number) ¤
¤ ~ (Enter name) ¤
Storing further numbers in the
s ¤
¤ q New Entry ¤
¤ ~ (Enter number) ¤
¤ ~ (Enter name) ¤
Please note
Refer to the character set chart to
see how to enter names
(¢ page 51).
Order of directory entries
The directory entries are sorted in
alphabetical order. Spaces and dig-
its take first priority. The sort order is
as follows:
1. Space
2. Digits (0–9)
3. Letters (alphabetical)
4. Other characters
To get round the alphabetical order
of the entries, insert a space or a
digit in front of the name. These
entries will then move to the begin-
ning of the directory.