Enhanced Wireless Access Gateway Configuration
Context: For context service related statistics
ECS: For Enhanced Charging Service related statistics
Port: For port-level statistics
RADIUS: For per-RADIUS server statistics
The following is a sample schema format for eWAG statistics:
"eWAG Schema: Test\n ----------------------\nVPN Name:%vpnname%,\nService
Name:%servname%,\n Session Statistics: \n Total Current Sessions
:%total_current_sessions%,\n Total Sessions Setup: %total_sessions_setup%,\n -----
Configuring Congestion Control
To enable Congestion Control, use the following configuration:
#To enable Congestion Control:
#To configure Congestion Control policy:
congestion-control policy ipsg-service action { drop | none }
#To configure Congestion Control thresholds:
congestion-control threshold { { license-utilization | max-sessions-per-service-
utilization | message-queue-utilization | port-rx-utilization | port-specific {
<slot/port> | all { rx-utilization | tx-utilization } } | port-specific-rx-utilization |
port-specific-tx-utilization | port-tx-utilization | service-control-cpu-utilization |
system-cpu-utilization | system-memory-utilization | tolerance } [ critical ]
<percentage> | message-queue-wait-time [ critical ] <seconds> | { port-specific-rx-
utilization | port-specific-tx-utilization } [ critical ] }
Congestion policies are configurable for each service. These policies dictate how the services respond when the
system detects that a congestion condition threshold has been crossed. For more information on the Congestion
Control feature, refer to the Congestion Control chapter of the System Administration Guide.
In the above configuration, the Congestion Control thresholds featured are at the system level and are not
specific to eWAG.
eWAG supports only critical threshold values.
Cisco ASR 5000 Enhanced Wireless Access Gateway Administration Guide ▄
eWAG Configuration ▀