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Configuring Congestion Control - Cisco ASR 5000 Administration Manual

Enhanced wireless access gateway
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Enhanced Wireless Access Gateway Configuration
 Context: For context service related statistics
 ECS: For Enhanced Charging Service related statistics
 Port: For port-level statistics
 RADIUS: For per-RADIUS server statistics
 The following is a sample schema format for eWAG statistics:
"eWAG Schema: Test\n ----------------------\nVPN Name:%vpnname%,\nService
Name:%servname%,\n Session Statistics: \n Total Current Sessions
:%total_current_sessions%,\n Total Sessions Setup: %total_sessions_setup%,\n -----

Configuring Congestion Control

To enable Congestion Control, use the following configuration:
#To enable Congestion Control:
#To configure Congestion Control policy:
congestion-control policy ipsg-service action { drop | none }
#To configure Congestion Control thresholds:
congestion-control threshold { { license-utilization | max-sessions-per-service-
utilization | message-queue-utilization | port-rx-utilization | port-specific {
<slot/port> | all { rx-utilization | tx-utilization } } | port-specific-rx-utilization |
port-specific-tx-utilization | port-tx-utilization | service-control-cpu-utilization |
system-cpu-utilization | system-memory-utilization | tolerance } [ critical ]
<percentage> | message-queue-wait-time [ critical ] <seconds> | { port-specific-rx-
utilization | port-specific-tx-utilization } [ critical ] }
 Congestion policies are configurable for each service. These policies dictate how the services respond when the
system detects that a congestion condition threshold has been crossed. For more information on the Congestion
Control feature, refer to the Congestion Control chapter of the System Administration Guide.
 In the above configuration, the Congestion Control thresholds featured are at the system level and are not
specific to eWAG.
 eWAG supports only critical threshold values.
Cisco ASR 5000 Enhanced Wireless Access Gateway Administration Guide ▄
eWAG Configuration ▀


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