show events
Description Shows events logged by each controller in the storage system. A separate set of event numbers is
maintained for each controller. Each event number is prefixed with a letter identifying the controller
that logged the event.
Events are listed from newest to oldest, based on a timestamp with one-second granularity; therefore
the event log sequence matches the actual event sequence within about one second. Timestamps use
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
For event descriptions and recommended actions, see the event descriptions reference guide.
Syntax To show a certain number of events:
show events
[last #]
To show events by time:
show events
[from timestamp]
[to timestamp]
To show events by ID:
show events
[from-event ID]
[to-event ID]
Parameters last #
Optional. Shows the latest specified number of events. If this parameter is omitted, all events are
from timestamp
Optional. Shows events including and after a timestamp specified with the format MMDDYYhhmmss.
For example, 043009235900 represents April 30 2009 at 1 1:59:00 p.m. This parameter can be
used with either to parameter.
to timestamp
Optional. Shows events before and including a timestamp specified with the format
MMDDYYhhmmss. For example, 043009235900 represents April 30 2009 at 1 1:59:00 p.m. This
parameter can be used with either from parameter.
from-event ID
Optional. Shows events including and after the specified event ID. If this number is smaller than the
ID of the oldest event, events are shown from the oldest available event. This parameter can be used
with either to parameter.
to-event ID
Optional. Shows events before and including the specified event ID. If this number is larger than the
ID of the oldest event, events are shown up to the latest event. This parameter can be used with either
from parameter.
Optional. Specifies to filter the event listing:
a: Shows events from controller A only
b: Shows events from controller B only
error: Shows Warning, Error, and Critical events
194 Alphabetical list of commands