9410 series - User manual
Log interval configuration
You can configure the logging interval, which is how frequently records are logged.
You can change the logging intervals for most logs using the ION Setup Assistant Logging >
Memory screen.
Changing the interval for other logs (for example, logs that are related to standards or triggered by
disturbances) is an advanced procedure that involves using the Advanced mode of ION Setup to
modify settings in the module that is linked to the log's Record input. See the ION Setup help and
the ION Reference for more information.
Programming your meter to write to any data recorder at continuous intervals shorter than 60
seconds (heavy logging configuration) can cause loss of data in the event of a power failure.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.
Use an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) if you program your meter for heavy logging.
Log mode configuration
You can configure the log record mode, or how the log behaves when full.
Changing how the log records information (circular or stop-when-full) is an advanced procedure
that requires changing the RecordMode setup register in the Data Recorder and Waveform
Recorder modules.
Circular (FIFO) logging mode: when the log is full, a new record
overwrites the oldest record
Stop-when-full logging mode: when the log is full, any new records are
not logged