Understanding the Command-Line Interface
copy running-config startup-config
interface ethernet 1/2
show running-config
Completing a Partial Command Name
If you cannot remember a complete command name, or if you want to reduce the amount of typing you have
to perform, enter the first few letters of the command, and then press the Tab key. The command line parser
will complete the command if the string entered is unique to the command mode. If your keyboard does not
have a Tab key, press Ctrl-I instead.
The CLI recognizes a command once you have entered enough characters to make the command unique. For
example, if you enter conf in EXEC mode, the CLI will be able to associate your entry with the configure
command, because only the configure command begins with conf.
In this example, the CLI recognizes the unique string for conf in EXEC mode when you press the Tab key:
switch# conf<Tab>
switch# configure
When you use the command completion feature the CLI displays the full command name. The CLI does not
execute the command until you press the Return or Enter key. This feature allows you to modify the command
if the full command was not what you intended by the abbreviation. If you enter a set of characters that could
indicate more than one command, a list of matching commands displays.
For example, entering co<Tab> lists all commands available in EXEC mode beginning with co:
switch# co<Tab>
switch# co
Note that the characters you entered appear at the prompt again to allow you to complete the command entry.
Identifying Your Location in the Command Hierarchy
Some features have a configuration submode hierarchy nested more than one level. In these cases, you can
display information about your present working context (PWC).
1. where detail
Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Fundamentals Configuration Guide
Completing a Partial Command Name
copy run start
int e 1/2
sh run