Event Type
tf testnum
tn testnum
tr testnum
tr testnum d devnum
tr testnum p portnum
Consolidated Platform Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)E (Catalyst 2960-X Switches)
Total failure count, where testnum is the test number.
For example, tf3 is the EEM built-in variable for the
total failure count of test 3.
Test name, where testnum is the test number. For
example, tn3 is the EEM built-in variable for the
name of test 3.
Test result, where testnum is the test number. For
example, tr6 is the EEM built-in variable for test 6
where test 6 is not a per-port test and not a per-device
The test result is one of the following values:
• P: diagnostic result Pass
• F: diagnostic result Fail
• U: diagnostic result Unknown
Per-device test result, where testnum is the test
number and devnum is the device number. For
example, tr3d20 is the EEM built-in variable for the
test result for test 3, device 20.
The test result is one of the following values:
• P: diagnostic result Pass
• F: diagnostic result Fail
• U: diagnostic result Unknown
Per-port test result, where testnum is the test number
and portnum is the device number. For example,
tr5p20 is the EEM built-in variable for the test result
for test 3, port 20.
The test result is one of the following values:
• P: diagnostic result Pass
• F: diagnostic result Fail
• U: diagnostic result Unknown