Compatibility Requirements
You can collect up to 16 ports into a static EtherChannel or you can enable the Link Aggregation Control
Protocol (LACP). Configuring EtherChannels with LACP requires slightly different steps than configuring
static EtherChannels.
Cisco NX-OS does not support Port Aggregation Protocol (PAgP) for EtherChannels.
An EtherChannel bundles individual links into a channel group to create a single logical link that provides
the aggregate bandwidth of up to 16 physical links. If a member port within an EtherChannel fails, traffic
previously carried over the failed link switches to the remaining member ports within the EtherChannel.
Each port can be in only one EtherChannel. All the ports in an EtherChannel must be compatible; they must
use the same speed and operate in full-duplex mode. When you are running static EtherChannels, without
LACP, the individual links are all in the on channel mode; you cannot change this mode without enabling
You cannot change the mode from ON to Active or from ON to Passive.
You can create an EtherChannel directly by creating the port-channel interface, or you can create a channel
group that acts to aggregate individual ports into a bundle. When you associate an interface with a channel
group, Cisco NX-OS creates a matching EtherChannel automatically if the EtherChannel does not already
exist. You can also create the EtherChannel first. In this instance, Cisco NX-OS creates an empty channel
group with the same channel number as the EtherChannel and takes the default configuration.
An EtherChannel is operationally up when at least one of the member ports is up and that port's status is
channeling. The EtherChannel is operationally down when all member ports are operationally down.
Compatibility Requirements
When you add an interface to a channel group, Cisco NX-OS checks certain interface attributes to ensure that
the interface is compatible with the channel group. Cisco NX-OS also checks a number of operational attributes
for an interface before allowing that interface to participate in the port-channel aggregation.
The compatibility check includes the following operational attributes:
• Port mode
• Access VLAN
• Trunk native VLAN
• Allowed VLAN list
• Speed
• 802.3x flow control setting
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS Layer 2 Switching Configuration Guide, Release 5.0(3)N1(1)
The Cisco Nexus 5000 Series switch only supports system level MTU. This attribute cannot be changed
on an individual port basis.
Configuring EtherChannels