Chapter 4 Configuring Advanced Settings
Internet IP Address and
Subnet Mask
Static DNS 1 through 3
User Name and Password
Connect on Demand and Max
Idle Time
L2TP Server
Network Setup
Local IP Address and Subnet
DHCP Server
Starting IP Address
Maximum Number of DHCP
Client Lease Time
This is the gateway's IP Address and Subnet Mask as seen by
external users on the Internet. If your Internet connection
requires a static IP address, then enter the Gateway's IP
Address and Subnet Mask as provided by your service
Enter the IP address of the service provider's server.
Enter the DNS (Domain Name Server) IP address(es)
provided by your service provider. At least one is required.
Enter the User Name and Password you want to use when
logging onto your gateway through a PPPoE or PPTP
You can configure the gateway to disconnect your Internet
connection after a specified period of inactivity (Max Idle
Time). If your Internet connection has been terminated due to
inactivity, Connect on Demand enables the gateway to
automatically re-establish your connection as soon as you
attempt to access the Internet again. If you wish to activate
Connect on Demand, click the radio button and enter the
number of minutes you want to have elapsed before your
Internet connection terminates.
Enter the IP address of the L2TP server.
This is the Gateway IP Address and Subnet Mask as seen on
the internal LAN. The default value is for IP
Address and for Subnet Mask.
Select Enable to enable the Gateway DHCP server option. If
you already have a DHCP server on your network or you do
not want a DHCP server, then select Disable.
Enter a numerical value for the DHCP server to start with
when issuing IP addresses. Do not start with (the
IP address of the Gateway).
Enter the maximum number of PCs that are assigned IP
addresses from the DHCP server. The maximum value is 253,
if is entered in the Starting IP Address field.
The Client Lease Time is the amount of time a network user
will be allowed connection to the Gateway with the current
dynamic IP address. Enter the amount of time, in minutes, that
the user will be allowed to use this dynamic IP address.
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