Chapter 4
Configuring Clocking and Timing
Configuring PTP Input and Output
You can use the 1pps, 10Mhz and BITS timing ports on the Cisco ME 3600X-24CX to do the following:
This section applies only to the Cisco ME 3600X-24CX.
The following section describes how to configure time of day messages, output clocking, and input
clocking in master clock mode.
Input 1pps is only supported in master mode. Output 1pps configuration is supported in slave or
boundary clock mode.
Configuration Examples
Use commands below for input and output.
network-clock input-source 2 external 1/0/0 10m
Switch(config)#network-clock input-source 2 external 1/0/0 ?
Tod and 1pps configuration.
Provide or receive 1PPS time of day messages
Provide output clocking at 10Mhz, 2.048Mhz, and 1.544Mhz
Receive input clocking at 10Mhz, 2.048Mhz, and 1.544Mhz
If you want to configure input clocking using the 10Mhz or BITS timing port, use the following
Use the network-clock input-source command to enable input clocking at 10Mhz, 2.048Mhz,
or 1.544Mhz.
Switch(config)# network-clock input-source 2 external 1/0/0 10m
Input clocking applies when the switch is in master mode.
To configure output clocking using the 10Mhz or BITS timing port, use the network-clock
output-source command to specify 10Mhz, 2.048Mhz, or 1.544Mhz output. Use this command
when the switch is in slave mode.
Switch(config)# network-clock output-source system 2 external 1/0/0 10m
To configure the switch to send time of day messages using the 1PPS port, use the output 1pps
command. Use the input or output parameters to specify the direction.
Switch(config)# ptp clock ordinary domain 0
Switch(config-ptp-clk)# output 1pps 0/0
To configure the time of day message format, use the tod command.
Switch(config)# ptp clock ordinary domain 0
Switch(config-ptp-clk)# tod 0/0 ubx
10 MHz signal mode
Option 1 2048kHz on BITS/SSU port
E1 Signal Mode
Cisco ME-3600X-24CX Series Switch Chassis Configuration Guide
Configuring Clocking and Timing