To confi gure servers for soft switching:
Press Print Screen to launch OSCAR. The Main dialog box appears.
Click Setup - Menu. The Menu dialog box appears.
For delay time, type the number of seconds of delay desired before the
Main dialog box is displayed after Print Screen is pressed.
Click OK.
To soft switch to a server:
To select a server, press Print Screen. If the display order of your server list
is by port (Port button is depressed), type the port number and press Enter.
If the display order of your server list is by name or eID number (Name or
eID button is depressed), type the fi rst few characters of the name of the
server or the eID number to establish it as unique and press Enter.
To switch back to the previous server, press Print Screen then Backspace.
OSCAR navigation basics
The following table describes how to use the keyboard and mouse to
navigate OSCAR.
This Keystroke
Print Screen
Single-click, Enter
Print Screen, Alt+Ø
Chapter 3: Basic Operations
Does This
Opens OSCAR. Press Print Screen twice to send the Print
Screen keystroke to the currently selected device.
Opens the Help screen for the current dialog box.
Closes the current dialog box without saving changes and
returns to the previous one. In the Main dialog box, it closes
OSCAR and returns to the selected server. In a message box,
it closes the pop-up box and returns to the current dialog box.
Opens dialog boxes, selects options and executes actions when
used in combination with underlined or other designated letters.
Closes current dialog box and returns to the previous one.
Selects the OK button, then returns to the previous dialog box.
Completes the switch operation in the Main dialog box and
exits OSCAR.
In a text box, it selects the text for editing and enables the Left
and Right Arrow keys to move the cursor. Press Enter again
to quit the edit mode.
Immediately disengages user from a server; no server is
selected. Status fl ag displays Free. (This only applies to the Ø
on the keyboard and not the keypad.)