Try mixing it up!
Each of the DJX-II's Patterns has ten different Variations. Play the
main Patterns with the gray keys and the fill-in Patterns with the black
keys. (Fill-in Patterns are usually used as dynamic breaks or transi-
In general, the higher the Variation number (1 - 10), the busier or
more complex the Patterns become.
Listen carefully to each Pattern — remember how each of them
sound — then play them one after another for your own special per-
The key to great timing is knowing where the "one" is. And the "one" is the first beat in a four-beat
Pattern. Another key to timing is feeling the downbeats (four downbeats to a Pattern). The DJX-II
makes this easy to do!
Check this out:
While the Pattern is playing, the dot in the bpm display flashes rhythmically. (If the bpm display is
not shown, press BPM/TAP.) Each flash indicates a downbeat.
Try hitting a different Pattern key on the "one" downbeat — when you've hit it right, you'll feel it!
This is the best place to start a new Varia-
tion Pattern — right after the previous one
has reached the end of its loop. Don't hit
the new key too early or too late — try to
hit it right on the "one" downbeat!
Mixing Main and Fill-in Patterns
Come down on the "one"!
Hit it here!
Chapter 1 Pattern Player Basics
Fill-in Patterns
Main Patterns