NEC Versa 4000
Windows 98 Upgrade Information
Follow the instructions provided in this document to upgrade your
NEC Versa
Please read these notes in their entirety.
Although not a requirement, NEC recommends that you use
the system's AC power adapter throughout this process. The
Windows 98 upgrade is somewhat lengthy and interrupting
the process with a loss of power can be catastrophic if the
system performs an emergency save-to-file.
If you are using the FAT16 file-system format (16-bit based File Allocation
Table), then the "Save-to-Disk" functionality in the BIOS setup does not have to
be disabled.
At present, the "Save-to-Disk" power management feature of this system does
not fully function in Windows 98. It is very important that this feature be
disabled, particularly if you will be using the FAT32 file system. Instructions
for disabling "Save-to-Disk" are in the section below labeled, "Disabling the
Save-to-Disk in the BIOS Setup."
double click on the My Computer desktop icon. Next, right
click on the C: drive icon, and select Properties. If the
system is running FAT32, it is listed here next to "File
system." If it is FAT16, FAT or FAT 16 appears.
Converting your hard drive to the FAT32 file system format
will significantly enhance file operations and save disk
If you intend to convert your hard drive to the FAT32 file
system format, it is imperative that you disable "Save-to-
Disk" functionality in the BIOS setup.
Failure to do this can result in catastrophic data loss.
4000 system to Microsoft
To identify your computer's file system format,
NEC Versa 4000 Windows 98 Upgrade Information 1