Display/Reset Virtual Configuration Register—The o command displays the virtual
configuration register. The o command used with the /r option will reset the configuration
register to the default and cause the system software image to ignore the configuration register
information (sets the ignore NVRAM contents bit, 0x0040). To reset to the default, enter the
following at the > prompt:
Table C-1 lists additional o command options.
Table C-1
O Command Options
Displays the virtual configuration register currently in effect, with a description of the bits
Resets the virtual configuration register to the defaults as follows:
9600 baud console UART speed
Break/abort has no effect
Ignore the system configuration
Boot from ROM
o/r 0xvalue
Sets the virtual configuration register to the (hex) value, value
Enter the i command after entering the o/r command to automatically reboot the router.
To enable the router to read the configuration file in nonvolatile RAM, clear the ignore
NVRAM contents bit (0x0040) with the config-register command after using the o/r command.
Memory/Bus Diagnostic—The t m command runs the memory test. By default, the memory test
examines processor main memory.
It is good practice for you to save the configuration in a file on a host in your network as
a backup before testing because the file could be lost.
To test memory, enter the t command with the m option at the > prompt, as follows:
t m
To use the default addresses and select the default tests, press the Return key after each prompt
The time to run a diagnostic is memory size dependent. It will take a minimum of 10 minutes. If the
program encounters memory problems, it will display appropriate error messages on the console
terminal. Be sure to reinitialize the processor before booting the system by entering i at the ROM
monitor prompt.
Entering the Cisco 4000-M ROM Monitor Program
Cisco 4000-M ROM Monitor C-3