Step 5 Con gure the settings using the following sections as a guide.
Host Name—The host name (or system name) is a name for the access point that identi es it on
your network. The system name appears in the titles of the management system pages.
Con guration Server Protocol—This setting speci es how the access point obtains an IP
DHCP—IP address is automatically assigned by the network DHCP server.
Static IP—The access point uses a static IP address that you enter in the IP address
IP Address—This setting assigns or changes the access point IP address. If DHCP is enabled,
the access point obtains its IP address from your network DHCP server. You can assign a static IP
address in this eld.
IP Subnet Mask—The IP subnet mask identi es the subnet on which the access point resides.
This subnet is provided by your network administrator. If DHCP is enabled, leave this eld blank.
Default Gateway—The default gateway identi es the address the access point uses to access
another network. This gateway is provided by your network administrator. If DHCP is enabled, leave
this eld blank.
Web Server—This setting speci es the type of HTTP used to access the access point using a
web browser.
Standard (HTTP)—Standard protocol used to transfer HTML using unencrypted
tra c between web browsers.
Secure (HTTPS)—Protocol used to transfer secure data by using encrypted tra c to
and from the user by means of a Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
Getting Started Guide: Cisco Aironet 1140 Series Autonomous Access Point - Cisco