2. Description
Synchro beam
The FF-SB14 is a multibeam photoelectric barrier with
separate emitter and receiver.
The beams are modulated infrared light, which makes
operation almost completely independent of ambient light
Interrupting one or more beams causes the output
contacts to open, which then causes further circuitry to
de-activate the machine.
The stability of the response time of the barrier - an
important factor for safety - is assured by circuits
controlled by a quartz time base.
Principle of operation
The beams of the barriers are successively scanned at a
high frequency.
Infrared light is emitted from the transmitter side and
received by the corresponding device in the receiver
array. Synchronization between transmitter and receiver
is achieved optically, which avoids any electrical link
between the two elements.
The synchro beam is active and takes part in the
definition of the protected zone.
Electronic system
The FF-SB14 functions with positive self-checking safety.
This means that a faulty component in the system will
make the barrier safe - whatever the problem: stopping
the movement of dangerous machine parts.
For that purpose, Honeywell has developed new
patented self-checking techniques which combine
reliability and safety.
The equipment conception meets the requirements for a
category 4 Electrosensitive Protective equipment
described in the pr 50 100-1/2 European norm.
Nominal protected
400 mm
600 mm
800 mm
1000 mm
1200 mm
1400 mm
Model reference
The couple (emitter + receiver)
FF-SB14 E/R ❏❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
❏❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
❏❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
❏❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
(1) Although the device is able to detect any opaque
object greater than the ø 35 mm resolution between
0 and 3 meters, the power of light beams on this
model requires a scanning distance of more than
3 meters to conform to IEC 61496 - part 2 norm. This
model is available with metal connectors only.
(2) Preferred models for welding applications.
Number of beams
(incl. Synchro.)
Nominal ranges:
2: 0 m to 10 m
2L: 3 m to 24 m (1)
2F: 0 m to 6 m (2)
Blank: plastic
S: metal connector
K: 120/240 Vac
4: 24 Vdc to 48 Vdc
Nominal protected
height In
(ex: 06 = 600 mm)
107026-11-EN FR26 ROW 302 Printed in France