A.1 Application Examples
STEP 7 program examples
STEP 7 program example for cyclic communication
The control and inverter communicate via
standard telegram 1. The control specifies
control word 1 (STW1) and the speed setpoint,
while the inverter responds with status word 1
(ZSW1) and its actual speed.
In this example, inputs E0.0 and E0.6 are linked
to the -bit ON/OFF1 or to the "acknowledge fault"
bit of STW 1.
Control word 1 contains the numerical value
047E hex. The bits of control word 1 are listed in
the following table.
The hexadecimal numeric value 2500 specifies
the setpoint frequency of the inverter. The
maximum frequency is the hexadecimal value
4000 (also see Configuring the fieldbus
(Page 101)).
The control cyclically writes the process data to
logical address 256 of the inverter. The inverter
also writes its process data to logical
address 256. You define the address area in HW
Config, seeInsert the frequency converter into
the STEP 7 project (Page 282).
Inverter with CU240B-2 and CU240E-2 Control Units
Operating Instructions, 01/2011, FW 4.4, A5E02299792B AB