C.3 Programing Watchdog Timer with AAEON Windows EAPI
AAEON Framework (KMDF Driver) must be installed before calling these functions.
EapiLibInitialize() should be the first to call before calling other EAPI
EApiLibUnInitialize() should be called to release resources before program
When building C/C++ apps, Lib (Library, aaeonEAPI.lib) is needed.
aaeonEAPI.lib is needed for C/C++ based app, make sure the lib files and executable
files are in the same folder.
The following shows how to build and run codes:
There are two scenarios to invoke Watchdog Timer functions:
1. Use EApiWDogStart
After EAPiWDogStart
|<- Delay ->|<- Event Timeout ->|<- Reset Timeout ->|
2. Use EApiWDogTrigger
After EApiWDogTrigger
|<- Event Timeout ->|<- Reset Timeout ->|
Stage A: Watchdog is started.
Stage B: Initial Delay Period.
Stage C/F: Event is triggered, NMI, IRQ, or PIN is Triggered. This allows for possible
Software Recovery.
Stage D/G: System is reset.
Stage E: Watchdog is Triggered.
Appendix C – Watchdog Timer Programming