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Keyboard NOTE Initial Settings 1 Turn on your label maker. 2 Set the language. 3 Set the unit of measurement. NOTE .H\ERDUG &XUVRU NH\ '(&2 02'( NH\ )XQFWLRQ NH\ 3UHYLHZ NH\ &XUVRU NH\ 3ULQW NH\ 3RZHU NH\ %DFNVSDFH NH\ &KDUDFWHU NH\ (QWHU NH\ 1XP /RFN NH\ 6KLIW NH\...
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Entering Text and Accented Characters 1. Enter the text for the first line and press . 2. Enter the text for the second line and press . (QWHULQJ 7H[W DQG $FFHQWHG &KDUDFWHUV X 6ZLWFKLQJ 8SSHU &DVH/RZHU &DVH X (QWHULQJ $FFHQWHG &KDUDFWHUV 8SSHU FDVH /RZHU FDVH 2))...
Page 7
Designing Labels 1 Press , use to select a function under column [A], and then press . (You can also select the function with the shortcut keys listed under column [C]. ( + to )) Use to select a setting listed under column [B], and then press . Adding Deco Mode Patterns NOTE 'HVLJQLQJ /DEHOV...
Page 8
Printing Labels 1. Insert the label, with the printed surface facing down,as far as possible into the built-in peeler. 2. Fold back the label to the right and quickly pull out the label. The end of the backing is slightly separated from the label. 3.