Chapter 16
DLPs H1 to H99
Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
Step 3
The 15310E-CTX-K9 reboots, which takes 4 to 6 minutes. Eventually, a "Lost node connection,
switching to network view" message appears.
Click OK. The network view appears. The node icon is displayed in gray, during which time you cannot
Step 4
access the node.
Double-click the node icon when it becomes green.
Step 5
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
Step 6
DLP-H40 Create a Static Route
Prerequisite Procedures
Required/As Needed
Security Level
DCC-connected nodes, only to the proxy ONS 15310. If Enable SOCKS proxy server on port is off,
the node does not proxy for any CTC clients. When this box is checked, you can set the node as an
ENE or a GNE:
External Network Element (ENE)—Choose this option when the ONS 15310 is not connected
to a LAN but has DCC connections to other ONS nodes. A CTC computer connected to the ENE
through the CRAFT or LAN port can manage nodes that have DCC connections to the ENE.
However, the CTC computer does not have direct IP connectivity to these nodes or to any
LAN/WAN that those nodes might be connected to.
Gateway Network Element (GNE)—Choose this option when the ONS 15310 is connected to a
LAN and has DCC connections to other nodes. A CTC computer connected to the LAN can
manage all nodes that have DCC connections to the GNE, but the CTC computer does not have
direct IP connectivity to them. The GNE option isolates the LAN from the DCC network so that
IP traffic originating from the DCC-connected nodes and any CTC computers connected to
them is prevented from reaching the LAN.
SOCKS Proxy-Only—Choose this option when the ONS 15310 is connected to a LAN and the
LAN is separated from the node by a firewall. The SOCKS Proxy Only is the same as the GNE
option, except the SOCKS Proxy Only option does not isolate the DCC network from the LAN.
Click Apply.
This task creates a static route to establish CTC connectivity to a computer
on another network.
DLP-H29 Log into CTC, page 16-43
Required if either of the following is true:
Onsite or remote
Provisioning or higher
CTC computers on one subnet need to connect to ONS 15310-MA
SDH nodes that are connected by a router to ONS 15310 nodes
residing on another subnet. OSPF is not enabled and the External
Network Element gateway setting is not checked.
You need to enable multiple CTC sessions among ONS 15310-MA
SDH nodes residing on the same subnet and the External Network
Element gateway setting is not enabled.
Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Procedure Guide, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2